Amanda Augustine Amanda Augustine, CPCC & CPRW

Amanda Augustine is the resident career expert for's suite of brands:, TopResume, TopCV, TopInterview, and ZipJob. With more than 20 years of experience in the recruiting and career services industry, she is a certified professional career coach (CPCC) and resume writer (CPRW), helping professionals improve their careers and find the right job sooner. Follow Amanda on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for her latest advice.

How to ask for a pay rise – and get it

How older workers can 'age-proof' their CVs

How to write a graduate CV like a seasoned pro

How to upgrade your CV for a manager position

How older workers can overcome age discrimination during the job search

Forget modesty: Why Googling yourself is a job-seeking necessity

How to select a winning look for your next interview

Survival tips for parents who now must work from home

How to prepare for a successful job search

5 predictions for the world of work in 2024