LONDON (26 November 2020) — New research from TopCV, the world's largest CV-writing service, reveals that almost one-third (30 per cent) of UK job seekers have a four-day working week at the top of their Christmas wish list.
The second most-popular wish to ask from Santa is a change of career or industry. In fact, 29 per cent of those surveyed ranked this priority as their number-one requirement in their next role. Meanwhile, 19 per cent of seekers are hoping they are on the “nice list” this year, so they can work for an organisation committed to equality, diversity and inclusion (ED&I).
And, some UK professionals are still hoping their stocking may include a future employer who gives them more time for side-hustles and volunteering (12 per cent) or mental-health and wellbeing support (10 per cent).
Amanda Augustine, careers expert at TopCV, commented: 'The events over the past year have prompted many professionals to reevaluate their priorities, particularly when it comes to their career and the type of organisation they want to work for. From the coronavirus crisis to the Black Lives Matter movement, individuals are job-searching into 2021 with a new set of criteria. These include, but are not limited to, flexible working hours or a shorter workweek to accommodate children's educational needs, an employer that truly prioritises diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and opportunities in relatively “recession-proof” sectors for increased job security'.
If you want to ensure Father Christmas brings you everything you're asking for in your next role, Augustine has some tips for your job search:
Explore: Organisations are hiring, but you'll need to be strategic. Depending on your sector, you may need to seek short-term jobs outside your career path to tide you over until the right, full-time opportunity comes along.
Prioritise: Consider what truly matters most to you and on what you're willing to compromise to land a new job. Use this information to create a target company list and guide your job-search efforts. For example, tools such as Glassdoor's “Diversity & Inclusion Rating” or articles like this one from HR magazine can help you identify employers that share your values.
Network: In-person networking events may not be an option, but that shouldn't stop you from reconnecting with contacts, meeting new people in your chosen sector and conducting informational interviews – all from the safety of your home. Invest in your network to uncover new job leads and land the all-important referral.
Re-frame: Reposition your CV and LinkedIn profile to ensure they emphasise the bits of your previous experience and qualifications that matter most for your current search. If you're plotting to change sectors or pursue an entirely new career, translate your experience into terms potential employers will understand and appreciate.
Upskill: If you realise there's a skill or knowledge gap you need to fill in order to boost your chances of landing the job you want, now's the time to fill it. Look for online courses or certification programmes that will help you become a more qualified candidate.
- ENDS -
Between 10 November 2020 and 23 November 2020, TopCV surveyed 1,056 UK job seekers, both currently employed and unemployed, asking 'When deciding which job to take next, which of the following would you want most?'
The responses and percentage of respondents are as follows:
- 4-day work week - 30%
- A total career change/change of industry - 29%
- An organisation that is committed to diversity, equality and inclusion (DE&I) - 19%
- More time for side-hustles/family/volunteering - 12%
- A company that provides mental health and wellbeing support (e.g. counselling services) - 10%
About TopCV
TopCV, a Talent Inc. company, is the world's premier CV-writing service, analysing millions of CVs and LinkedIn profiles each year. Job seekers work directly with professional writers and industry experts to redefine their personal brand and stand out from the crowd during the job-search process. Follow TopCV on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.
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